Saturday, October 4, 2008

Topsy Turvy Design

I no longer dance or act, and so I'm really just stretching to find an excuse to make a purchase like this... But I LOVE these hats. LEFT: Mina, RIGHT: Lady Divina Top Hat from Topsy Turvy Design. I can't remember how I stumbled upon this web page but I've been hankering to create a mad hatter's costume for Halloween ever since. There are several beautiful models on the site, and the website design alone is very original.
Never the less, I'm in awe of these hand made custom hats. When I was 17 I had the lead role in A Curious Savage and went above and beyond what I needed to do for that character (an excuse to dye my hair powder blue). This was also around the time I was really into LCT and studying theater makeup and period hair styling. Never quite got finger waves down. Anyway, I made my own hat for this play and it was extremely difficult. I don't have any pictures but it looks similar to this green one, only it was egg shell and had some gaudy costume broach and feather. I had no idea what I was getting my self into, especially since at that time I had never sewn a pleat. It was incredibly frustrating but I'm also incredibly stubborn so it was completed and I'm sure you could find it somewhere in the dusty costume department in the basement of Lawton High.

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